The webinar is available for streaming HERE
Nordic Proof invites Health Tech companies to gain insight into initiatives within mental health and rehabilitation through the Finnish partner, Oulu Health Labs, and the Norwegian partner, Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital. Both health areas need innovative solutions providing improved health services.
All partners of Nordic Proof will be available for one2one online meetings after the webinar.
We aim the event for companies having products or solutions in need of testing in an end-user setting.
Even though a special focus will be on innovations related mental health and rehabilitation any medtech or e-health company which need access to test facilities are much welcome to the webinar.
We also urge companies already in contact with Nordic Proof to benefit from this one2one opportunity.
12:00 pm Welcome and short intro to Nordic Proof and the program, Siri Stabel Olsen, Coordinator Nordic Proof
12:10 pm An innovation partnership; «Goals and Activities where the Patient is». Lene Mosberg, Testbed Coordinator Sunnaas rehabilitation hospital
Sunnaas Hospital has been awarded funding from Innovation Norway to carry out the project «Goals and Activities where the Patient is». The project is implemented as an innovation partnership, where solutions to needs will be developed in close collaboration with the business community. It is a goal that the project results in a procurement
12:30 pm Health and social services reform in Finland – ongoing project “POPsote” , Jouko Luukkonen, POPsote project director
12:40 pm Examples of co-creation, Timo Alalääkkölä, Manager of Testing and Innovations, Oulu University Hospital
12:50 pm Citizen-centric approach to developing mental health services – experiences from Oulu, Eeva Kiuru, Health Innovation Academy
1:00 pm Closing of webinar and start One2One meetings in separate online meeting rooms
2:30 pm End program