Smart Care Lab is a matchmaker between companies who require user knowledge and users who require better technological aids or municipal/ public actors who need a more sustainable service for their citizens in the future.
Contact info
Smart Care Lab
Marit Hagland
+47 452 61 799
[email protected]
Visiting Address
Norway Health Tech co. Smart Care Cluster
Gaustadalléen 21, 0349 Oslo
We help you to test future smart healthcare solutions
Our model is to be a matchmaker and our methodology is to assure that user is involved when we are going to develop new services and products.
At Smart Care Lab, we have methodology and service offerings for verification of products, prototypes and product ideas. We provide service packages to help products and services be developed and commercialized quicker. We ensure that the solutions are tested and adapted to the customers’ requirements while at the same time satisfying laws, standards and norms.