Assisted Living Technology is the primary driving force behind the innovative and organizational work performed with assisted living technology in the Municipality of Aarhus.
Morten Jørgensen
Project Manager
+45 21 70 99 02
[email protected]
Aarhus Municipality
Test service and collaboration
The job
At Assisted Living Technology we test the latest assisted living technologies and implement the ones with large scale potential. Through this work, Assisted Living Technology has attained extensive knowledge of potential barriers to implementation of new technological solutions, and how to achieve the potential of such solutions within a complex, public organization.
The people
The staff at Assisted Living Technology is made up of various professional backgrounds and skills from health care assistants, therapists and technology engineers to university graduates in communication and networking. Most of the staff has relevant supplementary education in assisted living technology and extensive experience from research and development projects.
Read more here: https://velfaerdsteknologi.aarhus.dk/english/