The Nordic Proof partners will share case stories giving insight on the capabilities and services the various test facilities can provide you as a Healthtech company.
We aim the event especially for companies developing medical devices, including e-health solutions.
Partners of Nordic Proof as well as the coordinators of the Nordic Proof consortium will be available for one2one online meetings after the webinar. You sign up for the one2one meetings when you register.
We also urge companies already in contact with Nordic Proof to benefit from this one2one opportunity.
Program (CET):
12:00 pm Welcome and short intro to Nordic Proof and the program, Siri Stabel Olsen, Coordinator Nordic Proof
12:10 pm Norwegian Smart Care Lab, Marit Brandsæter Hagland, Manager at Norwegian Smart Care Lab
12:20 pm Nordic Medtest, Jörgen Larsson, Unit Manager at Nordic Medtest
12:30 pm HUS-Helsinki University Hospital, Pekka Kahri, Technology Offiser at HUS
12:40 pm The Intervention Center, Oslo University Hospital-OUS, Åsmund Fretland, General surgeon at OUS
12:50 pm Danderyd Hopsital, Olof Hillborg, Head of Innovations at Danderyd Hospital
1:00 pm Sunnaas Hospital, Linda Sørensen, Manager Technology Intervention Center at Sunnaas Hospital
1:10 pm OuluHealth Labs, Timo Alalääkkölä, Manager, Testing and Innovations at Oulu University Hospital, and
Jaana Kokko, Technology Specialist at OuluHealth Labs
1:20 pm Closing of webinar and start One2One meetings in separate online meeting rooms
3:30 pm End program