The Nordic Proof partners will share case stories giving insight on the capabilities the various test facilities can provide you as a medtech or e-health company. In this event you will get an introduction to the consortium and the services they can provide.
You are much welcome to the webinar if you want to learn more about Nordic Proof, or if you are a health tech company which need access to test facilities. Companies can also benefit from the opportunity to have separate meetings with Nordic Proof partners after the webinar, where you can discuss your test needs or get some new perspectives on challenges related to your development process. We also urge companies already in contact with Nordic Proof to benefit from this opportunity.
Program (CET):
10:00 am Welcome and introduction to Nordic Proof
10:15 am Partner presentations and case stories
11:05 am Q&A and sum up, closing of open meeting.
11:15 am Company presenting in exclusive meeting with partners
11:30 am Company presenting in exclusive meeting with partners
11:45 am Company presenting in exclusive meeting with partners
12:00 pm End of program